Gohenry.com Activate Go Henry Debit Card Login [UPDATE]

The GoHenry Card is the easiest way to teach kids about money. The application includes a prepaid card for children and financial missions to help them understand faster. Parents also have the option to securely manage their pocket money and alter parental controls. This article will explain how to get started with the perks. You will get the GoHenry card once you finish the article.

Activate Go Henry Debit Card Online via Gohenry.com/activate

You can activate it with some simple steps. Go to the gohenrycard.com/activate website.

      • Login with your credentials
      • Select Activate next to your child’s name.
      • Follow the activation steps.
      • Now the activation PIN will show on screens.
      • Also, you need to enter your card number to activate your card.

    What age must you be to get a GoHenry card?

    GoHenry eliminates the guesswork of determining when a child is old enough for a debit card. GoHenry is a free app that allows kids aged 6–18 to make money, save money, do chores, and learn how to be responsible with their spending.

    How much does it cost to join Gohenry?

    GoHenry, a monthly subscription service, charges a PS2.99 per child membership fee.

    You’ll get-

    1. As part of your membership, you will receive a standard Gohenry card free of charge for each of your children.
    2. With free parental controls and real-time notifications, you can monitor your child’s spending.
    3. One monthly load is free for the parent account.
    4. ATM withdrawals and transactions in the UK are free.
    5. Our customer service team is available from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. seven days a week.

    Gohenry Debit Card Benefits

    Gohenry is a debit card and app designed specifically for kids and teens to help them learn good money habits and manage their own money. Some of the benefits of using Gohenry include:

    1. Financial Education: Go henry provides a platform to help kids and teens learn about money management through earning, saving, and spending their own money.
    2. Parental Control: Parents can set spending limits, view transaction history, and receive real-time notifications for every transaction, ensuring they have full control over their child’s spending.
    3. Safe and Secure: GoHenry uses secure encryption technology and doesn’t allow for cash withdrawals or overdrafts, which helps keep children’s money safe.
    4. Spending Controls: With Go Henry, parents can set spending rules and limits on where and how their child can spend money. This allows parents to guide their children’s spending habits and help them understand the value of money.
    5. Rewards: Parents can incentivize their child’s good money habits by offering rewards, such as extra pocket money, for tasks and goals achieved.

    Overall, Gohenry aims to teach kids and teens the value of money, budgeting, and saving in a safe and controlled environment, providing a stepping stone to financial independence.

    Register for a Gohenry Card Account

    Before you can sign up for a GoHenry Card account, you must first download the GoHenry app to your device. You can download the app either from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store, depending on your device. Just type the name “GoHenry App” in the search box, and it will be found. After you have found the application, click the “Install” option. Start the GoHenry app. Follow the instructions to register for a GoHenry Card.

      The first section will be ”Your parent or guardian’s details. In the second field, enter your email address. To confirm, type it once more. Choose your title from the drop-down menu and choose the next option.

      • Enter your first and last names.
      • Enter your mobile number.
      • Your password must contain at least six characters, including numbers and letters.
      • Tap on Continue.”

      What should you do if you forget your password?

      Once you activate your GoHenry card, each child will be given a username and password to access their GoHenry account via the website or mobile app.

      It is easy to reset your child’s password using the parent’s account.

      Visit this page to change your password.

      1. Log in to the account of your parent.
      2. Select “Settings” from the menu to the left.
      3. Click on the name to view more.
      4. In the security area, you can find a hidden password. Select the pencil next to the password.
      5. Enter your parent’s password and create a new password to protect your child.
      6. Click “Save” when the confirmation box appears.

      Change your Password for the Mobile App.

      1. Log in to the account of your parent.
      2. From the top-left corner, select “Account and settings.”
      3. Select your child’s name using the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
      4. In the security area, you can find a hidden password. Select the pencil next to the password.
      5. Enter your parent’s password and create a new password to protect your child.
      6. Click “Save” when the confirmation box appears.

      Transferring money to my child’s goHenry account?

      There are three options for you to transfer money from your GoHenry account to your child’s.

      1. Weekly monetary allowance

      An automatic weekly allowance transfer can be set up for your child. The automatic weekly allowance transfer will take place on the specified day. If you don’t specify a day, it will default to Saturday. To cover the weekly payment, you’ll need to ensure that there is enough money in your parent’s account. If that fails, GoHenry will try again five times per day for three days. The payment will not be accepted if it is not received. If this happens, the allowance for the next week will be skipped.

      2. Tasks

      You can assign jobs to your child in the ‘Earnings’ section of your parent accounts. Your child will receive extra pocket money on the same day that they get their weekly allowance. You can also decide whether you want tasks to be marked as completed by only you or by your child. To create a new task, select ‘Earnings’ from the menu.

      3. Transfer quickly.

      You can instantly transfer money to your child’s account by using the Quick Transfer button.

      1. Log in to Gohenry using your smartphone app or the web.
      2. Choose “Quick Transfer” from the drop-down menu.
      3. Select the child you wish to pay, then enter the amount, and click the “Transfer now” button.

      Your child will immediately have access to the money, and the account balances will reflect that.

      To ensure your child has access to their money when it is needed, please verify their card settings and account limits.

      How can I check my child’s GoHenry balance most effectively?

      To view your child’s GoHenry balance, log into your parent account using the mobile app or website. The balance of your child will be shown below that of your parent. The total money available for your child to spend is shown, not including any savings goals. Click on the name of your child to see a breakdown and details about their savings goals, current funds, and pending funds.

      What should you do if your child loses the GoHenry Card?

      You can request a replacement Gohenry card for your child if it is lost or stolen using the mobile app. However, if you wish to change the design of your card, you will need to pay PS4.99 Log in to access “Cards.” Scroll to the bottom of this page.

      • If you have multiple children, select the one who lost their card.
      • Tap New, “Replace a Lost Card,” or “Place an Order” if you are happy with the card design.
      • Within 3-5 business days, you will receive your new credit card.
      • Keep in mind, however, that the card will have to be activated once it arrives.
      • The card you have will be immediately deactivated.
      • To enable contactless, you must make a Chip & PIN transaction.
      • Within 3-5 business days, you will receive your new credit card.

      You can now easily sign up for a GoHenry account. Your child can learn about money and how to use it in a positive way.


      92% of parents said their children are more money confident since using GoHenry.” – From GoHenry

      This method of teaching kids about money should be standard across the world and in particular the United States where kids have no clue about money management” – Lisa M. Ft Meyers, FL

      WOW! What a great idea! The GoHenry Debit Card is a splendid idea and my kids love it” – Caty H. New Castle, UK

      “Every child on earth should be required to have a debit card linked to a bank account as it sets them up for success in the future in regards to financial learning” – Paul B. Saint Louis, MO

      If my mum would have got me one of these GoHenry cards when I was a kid maybe I wouldn’t be up to my eyeballs in credit card debt” – Mike H. London, UK


      What is Gohenry?

      Henry is a debit card designed for children and teenagers that parents can use to manage their children's finances and help teach them money management skills.

      How does Gohenry work?

      Parents can sign up for a GoHenry account and set up a debit card for each of their children. They can then manage the card and monitor their child's spending through a mobile app. Children can use the card to make purchases online or in-store, and parents can control where and how much their child can spend.

      Is Gohenry a credit card?

      No, GoHenry is a prepaid debit card. Parents can load money onto the card, and children can only spend the funds that are available on the card.

      What are the fees associated with Gohenry?

      There is a monthly subscription fee for Go Henry, as well as other fees for international usage, ATM withdrawals, and replacement cards. The exact fees may vary depending on the plan that the parent chooses.

      How old do children have to be to use Gohenry?

      Children must be at least six years old to use GoHenry, and parents must be at least 18 years old to sign up for the service.

      Can children use GOHERY to withdraw cash from ATMs?

      Yes, children can use Go Henry to withdraw cash from ATMs, although there may be fees associated with this service.

      How do parents add money to their child’s Gohenry account?

      Parents can add money to their child's GoBank account using a linked bank account or debit card. They can also set up automatic allowances or one-time transfers.

      Can parents set spending limits on their child’s Gohenry account?

      Yes, parents can set spending limits and control where and how much their child can spend using the Go Henry mobile app.